Sponsor a Child in Bangladesh: A Gift of Love, A Promise of Tomorrow

The Sponsor ‍a Child program helps create opportunities for a child’s safe intellectual development. Every child has bright potential. Children need educational opportunities to develop that bright potential. However, the families of many children in Bangladesh lack financial capacity and an academic environment. As a result, the academic life of a promising child is nipped in the bud. FAIR has been working to change this reality of society for the past two decades.

Through FAIR’s Education Program, we have ensured quality education to over 5500 children from underprivileged communities since 2006, setting an exemplary example for other underprivileged communities.

You can also join our child sponsorship program. Sponsor a Child Fund helps provide an underprivileged child with an opportunity to grow up educated, healthy, and safe. With just BDT 2400 per month, you can support a talented poor child’s journey to a brighter future by providing them with an education.

How are sponsor funds being used to Sponsor a Child?

FAIR is a rights-based and development, non-profit organization. So, we need funds to run the program. Budgets are fixed according to each program of FAIR. Similarly, the funds given by you in the Sponsor a Child Program are being spent on the following sectors:

Expenses for the child: A major expense of the funds you provide is for the child’s education and food. 70% of the donation will be spent on the education and food of the child, especially school tuition fees, examination fees, supporting books, notebooks, pens, school dresses, and bags, including food per day.

Salary and Travel Allowance: One of the costs of this Sponsor a Child program is the salary and travel allowance of a skilled animator which is 24% of the total cost. The animator in this program acts as a guardian of a child. The animator manages the responsibilities of children’s expenses and regularly monitors education. As animators, we hire people who enjoy working with children and want to help them succeed.

Administrative and Publicity Expenses: 4% of the total cost of this program is spent on administration and 2% is spent on publicity.

Spend Your Money for Greater Cause!!!

Break the cycle of poverty by sponsoring a child's education, enabling them to acquire the skills needed for a brighter future in Bangladesh.
Health Support
Health Support
Ensure access to healthcare and nutrition for underprivileged children, fostering their well-being and academic success through sponsorship.
Provide a secure environment for children to learn and grow, shielding them from exploitation and enabling their holistic development.
Support the transformation of communities by investing in the education and empowerment of children, paving the way for sustainable change.

How does the Sponsor a Child program work?

FAIR works closely with local educational institutions to identify needy children including orphans, disabled and poor children. First, the name of the child comes to us from the educational institution. A FAIR staff member or animator visits the student’s home and interacts with the parent or guardian to collect the student’s academic and family information. Through this process, the needs of the child are identified including selecting the right student. Every child has different cost needs. Some need educational expenses and some need clothes, food, and more besides educational expenses.


We match selected children with one or more sponsors or enablers. Each sponsored program is for one year. We provide the opportunity to re-sponsor the child or sponsor someone else after one year.


We do not pay cash to any sponsored child or parent. An animator is appointed for the sponsored child who is responsible for spending the funds on behalf of the child. Some of the sectors that are spent on children include tuition fees, school supplies, pens, pencils, geometry boxes, uniforms, and food. FAIR authority approves the annual cost of the child as per the cost incurred by the animator for the child and all bill vouchers are saved after approval.


Any citizen of Bangladesh is empowered to view the program expenditure bill/voucher or budget and child progress report.

Fund Management of Sponsor a Child Program

FAIR’s Sponsor a Child program is designed to ensure quality education for underprivileged poor children while ensuring transparency and accountability of funds. The Management Committee comprising of the esteemed members of the FAIR is responsible for ensuring transparency and accountability of the Fund. Our management promises to provide you with regular reports on the child’s educational progress along with fund expenditure accounts for your sponsored child. Our management also empowers you to monitor how your funds are being used for your sponsored child.

An animator supervises the children, and a program manager supervises and monitors the animators.