Free Legal Aid helps Geeta Rani Das, a 30-year-old florist, who supports her family with the small income of selling flowers every day. He found a little bit of happiness
Free Legal Aid was a turning point for Ranjeeda Begum, who married Lokayet Khan, now 55 years old, 24 years ago under Islamic Sharia law. They have three daughters, two
ফেয়ার এর ফ্রি লিগ্যাল সার্ভিস এর কারণে স্বামীকে ফিরে পেয়ে খুশি জোসনা বেগম। হারুন মল্লিকের (৩৪) সাথে জোসনা বেগমের (৩২) বিবাহিত সংসার জীবন ৯ বছরের। তাদের ৩টি পুত্র সন্তান রয়েছে।
Introduction: The caste system is at the root of the deprivation of the Dalit in Bangladesh The root cause of Dalit deprivation is deep-rooted caste-based discrimination and injustice in society.
Dalit Women though in a small scale benifits from “Right To Information Act 2009″. They have gained some success in using the act to establish their rights. The role of
Free Legal Aid came to the rescue of Maya Chakraborty, who lived in Khulna city with her ailing husband. For a 51-year-old woman, running a household with an ailing, unemployed
The Daily Star May 30, 2012 They demanded a special allocation in the national budget for the development of the Dalit community including Harijon . The communities urged the government
Harijon’s daughter Sima dreams of becoming a lawyer: Harijon’s daughter Sima’sdream is to study and become a lawyer and work for her community. Sima Rani Roy is the daughter of
হরিজন কন্যা সিমার স্বপ্ন সে লেখাপড়া করে আইনজীবী হয়ে নিজ সম্প্রদায়ের জন্য কাজ করবে। সে জালিম কৃষ্ণ ও শান্তি রানীর কন্যা ছয় ভাইবোনের মধ্যে সিমা সকলের ছোট। একাদশ শ্রেণিতে পড়–য়া
The Daily Star November 20, 2011 # Speakers at a seminar urged the government to form a commission for the development of 55 lakh Dalit people in the country to