Vocational Education in Bangladesh: Sabbir’s Inspiring Journey

Vocational Education in Bangladesh: Sabbir’s Inspiring Journey

Vocational education in Bangladesh has the power to change lives, as evidenced by the extraordinary story of Sabbir, a young man from Kushtia. Her journey from a life of hardship to self-sufficiency is a testament to the transformative potential of vocational training.

Early life and struggle

Sabbir’s life has been marked by hardship and resilience. Born in a poor family in Char Thanapara, Kushtia, Sabbir’s father died when he was only eight years old. As the youngest of four siblings, he faced many challenges early on. Two years after his father’s death, his elder brother married and moved away, and the burden of raising Sabbir and his two sisters fell on their mother alone. She worked as a domestic worker to meet the family’s needs, but her meager earnings were not enough to support the family.

Despite these difficulties, Sabbir’s mother prioritized her children’s education. He worked tirelessly to keep them in school, but the financial pressure was immense. When Sabbir reached eighth grade, dire family circumstances forced him to drop out of school and work in a grocery store. However, the restricted environment and lack of freedom made the work unbearable for him.

Turning Point: Inventing Vocational Training

Life took a hopeful turn when Sabbir came to know about a vocational training program supported by AF Mujibur Rahman Foundation and implemented by FAIR. The program aimed to impart technical education to the marginalized population and Sabbir saw it as an opportunity to change his fortunes. In February 2020, he enrolled in a six-month mobile servicing course under this program.

Sabbir is determined to exploit this opportunity. Throughout the course, he diligently attended classes, acquiring the necessary skills to repair and service mobile phones. The hands-on training and practical experience he gained was invaluable and he completed the course with flying colors in July 2020.

Achieving independence and success

With his new skills, Sabbir set up his mobile servicing shop in Kutipara, a busy area of ​​Kushtia city. Due to his skill and dedication, the shop quickly became popular and he started earning an average of Tk 600-700 per day. This steady income allowed him to support his family and significantly improve their living conditions.

For the first time, Sabbir felt freedom and self-worth. He was no longer burdened by the constraints of working for someone else, and he was proud to provide for his family. His success had a positive impact on his community, as he became a role model for other young people facing similar struggles.

Effects of Vocational Education

Sabbir’s story highlights the important role vocational education plays in empowering marginalized individuals in Bangladesh. By imparting practical skills and training, these programs lead to economic stability and self-sufficiency. Sabbir’s journey from a struggling grocery store worker to a successful entrepreneur shows how vocational education can unlock opportunities and transform lives.

Support from AF Mujibur Rahman Foundation and FAIR was instrumental in Sabbir’s success. These organizations recognized the potential in individuals like Sabbir and provided them with the necessary tools and training to fulfill their dreams. Their commitment to uplift poor and unemployed youth has had a profound impact, not only on the individuals they serve but also on their families and communities.

Gratitude and future aspirations

Sabbir is extremely grateful to AF Mujibur Rahman Foundation and FAIR for their support. He credits them for changing his life and allowing him to achieve his goals. Their efforts to promote self-employment and vocational training among marginalized youth is akin to providing a lifeline, offering hope and a future to those who need it most.

Looking ahead, Sabbir plans to expand his business and continue to improve his skills. He dreams of growing his business and providing employment opportunities to others in his community. His success has instilled a sense of confidence and ambition, and he is determined to make the most of the opportunities that vocational education has given him.


Sabbir’s journey is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of vocational education in Bangladesh. His story illustrates how practical skills and training can lead out of poverty and create a path to self-sufficiency and independence. Support from the AF Mujibur Rahman Foundation and FAIR has been crucial in this process, providing hope and opportunity to countless young people like Sabbir.

Through vocational education, marginalized youth can achieve their full potential and contribute positively to their communities. Sabbir’s success is a testament to the power of education and determination, and his story serves as an inspiration to all who face similar challenges.

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