Free Legal Aid Restores Peace for Geeta Rani Das

Free Legal Aid Restores Peace for Geeta Rani Das

Free Legal Aid helps Geeta Rani Das, a 30-year-old florist, who supports her family with the small income of selling flowers every day. He found a little bit of happiness in life by fighting with scarcity. But the mischievous local youth Raza of the area harassed her daily in various ways, even taking money from her flower sale and demanding extra payment. Geeta was threatened with various threats if she refused to pay the subscription. In such a situation, through a local acquaintance, Geeta learned about the FAIR Community Legal Service Center (CLSC), Khulna, and subsequently came to the FAIR CLSC on March 02, 2015, and filed a written complaint stating her problem, whose registration number is KCCWA-0225.

Free legal aid intervention

Free legal aid was Geeta’s lifeline. FAIR CLSC immediately began factfinding her complaint. The local people confirm the truth of his allegations. With the involvement of FAIR CLSC and in the involvement of local dignitaries, Raza at one point realized his guilt and sought an out-of-court settlement with Geeta. Geeta expressed her gratitude for the FAIR CLSC’s intervention.

Mediation process

FAIR CLSC didn’t just stop at scaring the Raza. They believe in thorough decisions. Both parties were called for mediation. A long and detailed discussion took place in this session. Raza admits his wrongdoing and expresses remorse. He admits that his claims and threats are misleading. He apologizes for that. Mediation resulted in a peaceful agreement in which Raza promised never to harass Geeta again.

Power of free legal aid

Empowering the Weak: Free legal aid gave Geeta the strength and support to stand up to powerful opponents. It gave him a platform to talk about his struggle and get justice.

Ensuring community support: FAIR CLSC’s involvement has not only helped Gita but also spread awareness among local influencers about the power of legal aid and the importance of abiding by the law.

Promotion of Justice: By taking prompt action and facilitating a peaceful resolution, FAIR CLSC ensures that justice is served without any disputes.

Peace and security restored: Geeta can now sell her flowers without fear. The resolution restored his confidence and allowed him to continue his business peacefully.

Motivational change

Geeta’s story is a powerful testament to the impact of free legal aid. Geeta’s story illustrates how a timely legal intervention can change lives. This success story serves as an inspiration for donors, beneficiaries and stakeholders associated with FAIR CLSC.


Free legal aid was the cornerstone of Geeta Rani Das’ return to a safe life. FAIR CLSC’s prompt and effective intervention ensured Geeta’s rights. Justice was upheld. Geeta’s story is an example of how legal aid can empower individuals, promote justice and foster community harmony.

Note that FAIR, a rights-based development organization, is implementing the Making Women’s Legal Right a Reality in Bangladesh project in Khulna with the financial support of the Community Legal Service Project (UK Aid) in partnership with Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association (BNWLA). The Projects provide free legal aid to victims of violence, especially women, children, ethnic minorities, Dalits, and the poor.

N. B. The photo of the woman used in this story is not original. Created by AI.

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