Free Legal Aid Secures Justice for Jasmine Akhter Swarna

Free Legal Aid Secures Justice for Jasmine Akhter Swarna

Free Legal Aid services help in a world where many children suffer from a lack of parents. Jasmine Akhter Swarna (11) is one such person. A father’s affection is devoid of love. Jasmine’s mother, Jharna Begum, is a strong-willed woman who, despite the odds, has fought tirelessly for her daughter’s just rights.

Eleven years ago, Jharna Begum (32) and Noor Islam (38) divorced each other. From then on, their daughter Jasmine was raised solely by her mother without any recognition or financial support from her father. Jharna, despite her adverse circumstances, decided not to remarry. She worked as a day laborer to ensure that Jasmine could continue her studies. Jasmine is now a sixth grade student, and she wants her father’s recognition and support.

On February 16, 2015, a turning point came when Jharna Begum joined FAIR Legal Aid Camp. The camp was organized to provide free legal aid to the needy, with a particular focus on settling family disputes and ensuring the rights of children like Jasmine. It was here that Jharna filed a child support complaint against Noor Islam. The complaint, filed under case number kccwd-0203, was a plea for a better future for Jasmine.

FAIR CLSC (Community Legal Service Centre), Khulna took immediate action after receiving the complaint. They sent a notice to Noor Islam, summoning him for a settlement meeting. On the appointed day, both Jharna and Noor Islam appeared before the CLSC legal advisors. Here, they were provided with a detailed explanation of laws related to child maintenance. Legal advisers emphasize the father’s responsibility to provide financial support to the child.

Realizing the legal complications, Noor Islam agreed to pay a monthly allowance of Tk 1000/- for Jasmine’s upbringing. In addition, he expressed his desire to meet with Jasmine monthly through the mediation of FAIR CLSC.

A new path

The proposal brought immense relief to Jharna Begum. FAIR CLSC provided structured and compassionate mediation to ensure that both parties were satisfied with the outcome. For Jasmine, the deal meant more than just financial support; this marked the beginning of her relationship with her father. Jasmine felt joy and hope for the future after seeing her father after such a long time.

Effect of legal aid

This story is not just about financial aid but also the impact of free legal aid on individuals and families. FAIR CLSC’s intervention not only secured Jasmine’s right to maintenance but also bridged the emotional gap between a father and his daughter. free legal aid services play an important role in providing vulnerable communities with the support they need to uphold justice.

Jasmine’s story proves the effectiveness of free legal aid. As Jharna and Jasmine move forward with new hope, their story stands as an example of justice and inspiration.


More than just free legal aid services; it is a beacon of hope for many struggling families. FAIR ensures that justice is not the privilege of a few but a right for all. Jasmine Akhter Swarna’s story is a poignant reminder of the difference free legal aid can make. It highlights the importance of providing free legal aid to those in need, ensuring every child receives the recognition and support they deserve. Through the efforts of organizations like FAIR CLSC, many more families can find justice and peace one case at a time.

Note that FAIR, a rights-based development organization, is implementing the Making Women’s Legal Right a Reality in Bangladesh project in Khulna with the financial support of the Community Legal Service Project (UK Aid) in partnership with Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association (BNWLA). The Projects provide free legal aid to victims of violence, especially women, children, ethnic minorities, Dalits, and the poor.

N. B. The photo of the woman used in this story is not original. Created by AI.

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