Free Legal Aid Rescues Ranjeeda Begum

Free Legal Aid Rescues Ranjeeda Begum

Free Legal Aid was a turning point for Ranjeeda Begum, who married Lokayet Khan, now 55 years old, 24 years ago under Islamic Sharia law. They have three daughters, two of whom are married, and the youngest is only 10 years old. All was going well when suddenly, 18 months ago, Lokayet Khan remarried without informing Ranjeeda and stopped supporting their family. 44-year-old Ranjeeda had been suffering from this for a long time. One day, she learned about free legal aid from her neighbor. FAIR Community Legal Service Center (CLSC), Khulna acted as a turning point for Ranjeeda Begum. She approached the FAIR Community Legal Service Center (CLSC) for help and filed a written complaint on April 15, 2015. Her complaint number is KCCWA-0237.

FAIR CLSC takes immediate action after receiving the complaint. After receiving the complaint initiates the factfinding and finds out its truth. FAIR CLSC undertakes mediation to resolve the issue. Although both parties participated in the first day of mediation, the session ended without a decision. FAIR CLSC then organized another mediation session, which led to a thorough discussion of the issues ahead. Eventually, both sides agreed to a peaceful solution.

Effect of free legal aid

Free legal aid played an important role in resolving Ranjeeda’s plight. Here are some key aspects of how it has helped:

Empowerment through legal aid: Free legal aid provided Ranjeeda with the support and knowledge she needed to assert her rights. This gave him the confidence to seek justice and address issues affecting his family.

Facilitating dialogue and resolution: FAIR CLSC’s mediation efforts were critical in bringing both parties together to discuss their issues. A mutual conflict was essential for resolution.

Ensuring Fairness and Equity: The settlement included provision for monthly maintenance and equitable distribution of time between the two wives of the Lokayet. This ensured that Ranjeeda and her children received the support and care they needed.

Restoring peace and stability: Resolution of protracted conflict brings relief to Ranjeeda. He could finally find peace and stability in his family, knowing that his rights were protected.

Motivational change

Ranjeeda’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of free legal aid. It not only helped him secure his family’s future but also highlighted the wider impact of accessible legal services on individuals and communities. By supporting organizations like FAIR CLSC, donors, beneficiaries and stakeholders can contribute to building a just and equitable society.


Free legal aid was instrumental in changing Ranjeeda Begum’s life. FAIR CLSC’s activities to provide all legal assistance to overcome frustrations, get rights and lead a peaceful life. Her story is a testament to the positive change that free legal aid can bring. By sharing Ranjeeda’s story, we can raise awareness about the important role of free legal aid in empowering individuals and building a FAIR and just society.

Note that FAIR, a rights-based development organization, is implementing the Making Women’s Legal Right a Reality in Bangladesh project in Khulna with the financial support of the Community Legal Service Project (UK Aid) in partnership with Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association (BNWLA). The Projects provide free legal aid to victims of violence, especially women, children, ethnic minorities, Dalits, and the poor.

N. B. The photo of the woman used in this story is not original. Created by AI.

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