School-based science festival II initiative of FAIR.

School-based science festival is going on under the initiative of FAIR. The small science students at the school are creating new projects through creative science practice. Due to the fact that these new science projects are displayed in the Science Fair, interest in science education is being created among other students at the school. The science clubs of various schools in Kushtia Sadar Upazila are organizing these school-based science fairs. The students at the school are preparing various thematic projects on environment, chemistry, physics, and biology and presenting them at the fair. Science-based wall papers and quiz competitions are being displayed in the fair, along with project presentations. A total of 8 science fairs were organized in 8 secondary schools in Kushtia Sadar Upazila consecutively from June 25 to 28, 2022.

Science club students decorate the school premises at the beginning of the day on the occasion of the fair.
In this 4-phase event of this School-based science festival, in the first phase of the fair, young scientists also participated in the science project competition. School teachers and students demonstrate these projects and ask and learn from the little scientists. In the meantime, the judges evaluated the projects through observation and decided the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places based on excellence.
A science quiz competition was held in the second phase of the fair. The competition was conducted in two groups with students from classes 6th to 10th. Students from 6th to 8th grade participate in the A group, and 9th and 10th grade students are in the B group. In both groups, students are asked questions about the textbooks as well as the unknowns of science and recent discoveries in science. A total of six people were selected, three each from both groups.

In the third phase of the fair, there was an exhibition of wall papers. School students make wall papers to develop their creativity. Students research a pre-determined science-based topic and publish its details with pictures on the wall paper. Some students express the subject through poetry.
In the 4th phase of the fair, there was a prize distribution ceremony during which all the students who won the competition were given mementos and certificates as prizes. The head teacher of the school distributed the prizes as the chief guest in the said programs.
The speakers applauded and thanked the FAIR and Bangladesh Freedom Foundation for taking such an initiative. Speakers said, “Due to the adoption of various science-based programs in schools, there has been an awakening of science education in schools, as a result of which students have become creative and enterprising.”

Last 25 June Ranjitpur Secondary School Alexander Science Club, June 26 Lakshipur Hasan Bagh Secondary Girls School, Dr. Wazed Mia Science Club, and Galileo Science Club of Abdalpur Secondary School, Dr. Kamalapur Secondary School on June 27. Zafar Iqbal Science Club, Robert Hook Science Club of Swastipur Secondary School, Discovery Science Club of Barkhada Secondary School, Dr. Hargopal Biss Science Club of Old Kushtia High School, and Archimedes Science Club of Shahid Hasan Faiz Secondary Girls School organized the science fair on June 28, 2023.
The head teachers of each school, the advisory board of the science club, and other teachers and students were present at these fairs. It should be noted that in 30 secondary schools in Kushtia Sadar Upazila, Fair Kushtia is implementing the Science Education Development (PSE) project in secondary schools with the support of the Bangladesh Freedom Foundation to implement the slogan “Let the school be the center of joyful activities of science education.”.