Free Legal Aid : Rozina’s Path to a Violence-Free Life

Free Legal Aid : Rozina’s Path to a Violence-Free Life

Free Legal Aid :Rozina is a 26-year-old domestic worker. Due to the lack of family, he runs the family by working in other people’s houses. But she has been enduring physical and mental torture for seven years at the hands of her husband Sagar (34) Ahmed. From the very beginning of the marriage, Sagar became violent towards Rozina and forced her to have a family by showing various threats. After enduring 7 long years of torture, Rozina protested against her abusive husband. He found the courage to protest through the FAIR Community Legal Service Center (CLSC).

FAIR CLSC aims to ensure justice for marginalized people. Rozina came to know about the services of CLSC while promoting FAIR CLSC. and took bold steps to protect herself from her abusive husband. He filed a written complaint with FAIR CLSC on 02 April 2015. His complaint has been registered under the number KCCWA-0192.

At the same time, Sagar was contacted through FAIR CLSC’s outreach legal camp. And he is told that Rozina has complained against him. FAIR CLSC accused Sagar is asked to appear on the scheduled mediation/arbitration date.

Sagar came to FAIR CLSC office on the scheduled mediation/arbitration day. And she was briefed about the Prevention of Violence Against Women Act 2009. Sagar is informed in detail about the offenses and punishments under this Act. Later he admitted his mistake. He made a firm promise to stop all torture against Rozina. In the presence of both parties, the FAIR CLSC resolves the ongoing dispute between them. Which results in an amicable solution between the Rozina-Sagar couple.

FAIR CLSC’s free legal aid mediation sessions played an important role in changing Sagar’s mindset and guiding him toward compassion and respect. The story of Rozina and Sagar has played a vital role in promoting positive social change at FAIR CLSC.

Now Rozina and Sagar live together in harmony. Their relationship has been rebuilt based on mutual respect and understanding. FAIR CLSC’s intervention not only saved Rozina from a life of abuse but also brought about a behavioral change in Sagar.

Power of free legal aid

The success stories of Rozina and Sagar illustrate the transformative potential of free legal aid provided by organizations such as FAIR CLSC. By providing accessible legal services, FAIR CLSC helps individuals break free from cycles of violence and oppression. Also empowers to build a just and equitable society.

Empowering the Vulnerable: Rozina’s journey from a victim of domestic violence to a confident individual begins with receiving free legal aid. Rozina’s empowerment through this has now enabled her to stand up against injustice and seek justice.

Behavioral change: Sea behavior has changed through FAIR CLSC. Now he has avoided violent activities. Women have stopped the violence and become tolerant towards women which is inspired by others in the society.

Awareness Raising: FAIR CLSC’s campaign has informed Rozina and her community. Now they are not abused themselves and resist when they hear about someone else’s abuse.

Building Strong Relationships: FAIR CLSC rebuilds trust between Rozina and Sagar. Resolved disputes and strengthened the relationship between them.

Motivational change

The story of Rozina and Sagar, the FAIR has served as an inspiration to donors, beneficiaries, and stakeholders associated with CLSC. Such programs play an important role in providing free legal aid to individuals and communities. Organizations like FAIR CLSC, through their regular program implementation, are contributing to ending domestic violence, establishing justice in society, empowering innocent people, socio-economic development, and building beauty.

Conclusion: Rozina is now living a violence-free life because of the FAIR CLSC free legal aid program. Now others in her community like Rozina are aware and they are aware of the law. Being freed from the chains of abuse of power to build a society with dignity and respect has been able to bring back happiness and peace to the family.

Note that FAIR, a rights-based development organization, is implementing the Making Women’s Legal Right a Reality in Bangladesh project in Khulna with the financial support of the Community Legal Service Project (UK Aid) in partnership with Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association (BNWLA). The Projects provide free legal aid to victims of violence, especially women, children, ethnic minorities, Dalits, and the poor.

N. B. The photo of the woman used in this story is not original. Created by AI.

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